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3.4 Calculation configuration...


Comparing criteria

Only the activated attributes are used as the comparing criteria to compare the components in 3d. That means, that identical components with different materials get the same number assigned, as long the material is not a comparing criteria. The comparing criteria width, height and length are always active.

Sorting criteria

All of the activated comparing criteria can be used as sorting criteria to sort the list. After moving the criteria from "Possible criteria" to the to the box "Sorting criteria" the criteria will be considered for sorting. The single entries can be moved either via double click or drag & drop. With help of the mouse or the arrows on the keyboard the entries can be moved to the desired location. The button "A-Z" defines, if the sorting has to be done in ascending or descending order.

Default/current calculation settings

The desired settings can be saved in the standard file (init). Additionally the settings can be loaded and saved to the user profile via Load/Save button.

Extra settings

Deduct openings

If walls and openings, added via architecture, get considered for the list, it is possible to define that a opening bigger than a defined area size should be deducted from the wall area. The deduction is as well possible in the list itself. See Chapter 7.3 - General in list module settings.

Considered elements

It is possible to define, if certain elements should be considered or not for the calculation of list numbers. As an example it
can be defined that auxilary elements never get a number assigned.


W/H along local axis = Width und Height is considered according local axis of beam or panel.
W < H = Always the bigger X-section dimension is considered as height

Warning W < H

If selecting this option, the local axis system of the components is not decisive anymore. Caution with veneer orientation of LVL, lamella orientation of glulam etc. has to be taken.