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3.9 Calculation Wall-/Roof-/Floor list

List calculation wall, roof, floor in cadwork 3D

Version 29 makes it possible to recognise and calculate identical building elements of the type wall, roof or floor. For example, in larger projects in modular construction or in element construction, there are often identical wall, roof or floor elements that differ only by a few attributes such as storey or group, but not geometrically. The recognition of identical elements can lead to more efficient work preparation, production and logistics. Architectural elements (walls, roofs, floors) can optionally be subjected to a separate list calculation and are assigned a "rough volume number" that can be identified by a freely definable prefix. These rough volume numbers are not used for machine control; for machine joinery, individual files must still be created for each element.

The following criteria are examined for the recognition of identical elements:
  • Rough volume type (wall, roof, floor)
  • Rough volume geometry
  • Production numbers of the elements assigned to the rough volume according to assembly or building subassembly
  • Position of the components of an element among each other (comparable to the list calculation of container elements).
  • User-defined comparison criteria for rough volume calculation
The same wall elements are given the same numbers, here separated according to floors.

Although this option of list calculation is possible for architectural elements of the type solid (wall solid or floor solid), it is usually not necessary because no other components are assigned to the solid building elements. Identical part recognition already takes place for the elements of the type "solid" during conventional positioning.

For a meaningful rough volume calculation, a production list calculation of the assigned components must first be carried out. For this calculation, only geometry and material may be used as comparison criteria.

For the calculation of the rough volume list, only the displayed or active architectural rough volumes in 3D are taken into account.

Via Export Lists Wall-/Roof-/Floor list Calculate you automatically assign the position numbers to the rough volumes. The procedure corresponds exactly to the calculation of "normal" production numbers.

A later further differentiation (by floor, assembly, etc.) is possible for production by splitting the machine export according to these additional criteria.

As in the other list types, you define the specifications for assigning and sorting the numbers in the calculation config. ...


For the numbering of the rough volumes, you can optionally use further comparison criteria such as building, floor or user-defined attributes. You can then use these to sort the elements.

The rough volume type is a fixed comparison criteria. Thus, wall-, roof- and floor rough volumes will never receive the same position number. In addition, the rough volume type can be used as a sorting criteria.

Extra settings

For each rough volume type, a prefix can be defined as a user-defined string (maximum 10 characters).

You can save and load your configuration for the calculation of Wall-/Roof-/Floor lists as *. coverlstx files.

Modify production numbers

Rough volume production numbers can only be modified if rough volumes of the same type are active. You enter the new number of the rough volume, the prefix is set automatically according to the default (under Export Lists Wall-/Roof-/Floor List Calculation Config. …, see above).

Both in the Modify window, in the info area and in the tooltip, the rough volume production number is displayed in the No. production list field.

Rough volume position numbers in the list

  • For the actual generation of the list, the option List Output can be selected from the menu Production list as well as from the menu Wall-/Roof-/Floor list. The exported list is the identical production list in both cases.
  • If rough volumes without Wall-/Roof-/Floor number are visible or activated, they are exported with the normal production number.
  • If rough volumes with Wall-/Roof-/Floor number are visible or activated, they are exported with this number together with all other elements.
  • Within the List, the Wall, Roof and Floor rough volumes are treated similar to container elements. In the column "No. production list" the rough volume number is displayed (e.g. Wa-170).
  • The content of a rough volume can be expanded and minimised via the first column of the list (as in the container list) by double-clicking.
  • In the "Visible elements" tab, rough volumes of various type can be shown and hidden in a differentiated manner. If a summary is not to take place, deactivate the checkbox for the corresponding rough volume.

Wall list compact and expanded.

Summary for the rough volume numbering

  • Construction of all elements in 3D as usual.
  • Calculation of the production list for the components. Comparison criteria: geometry and material only.
  • Show or activate architectural rough volumes to be calculated (other elements may also be shown or active, only the architectural rough volumes are taken into account).
  • Calculation of the Wall-/Roof-/Floor position numbers.


  • Activate rough volumes with the same rough volume number via <Ctrl+A> function as for production numbers: <Ctrl+A>+<P>.
  • Activate from the General/Element display filters via the "Production list" column.
  • Show/activate via the Vision/Activate attribute via the menus ... El. by attributes Position no. ... Wall-/Roof-/Floor list.

Wall shop drawings

  • Grouping of identical walls on one plan.
  • New text macros.
  • Position of the walls marked in the floor plan (exception: different floors).

List export

  • Rough volumes are treated like container elements.
  • Expand the elements belonging to the rough volume.
  • Separate setting option for coloured display of the fields for rough volumes.