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2.4 Setup tab

Under Setup you will find all the settings common to all programs in cadwork.
The left menu allows you to configure cadwork.


The default version can be set in the Directories register (if several versions are installed). The default version is the version with which files are started by double-clicking. New files are also created with this version.

Important cadwork paths can be mapped here and opened directly.
  • The directories for both the user Catalog and the Userprofil can be changed at a later stage.
  • NEW from version 28:
    The Live update directory can be accessed directly. This was previously only possible via cwsetup or the live update settings.
  • The Projects directory is the location in which newly created files are created if they are created via cadwork Start.
    However, we recommend creating new files via the Windows context menu in Windows Explorer:
    R ->New
    See"Starting cadwork files" for more details.
  • The Temp directory is specified by the Windows system and is only listed here for informal purposes; it cannot be changed.


You can check and change your licence data in this register.

  • Client nr:
    The client number and company name are displayed from the licence data already entered during installation and can be edited, if necessary, using the « ... » button on the right.
  • The currently selected/recognized licensing method is displayed below the client number number.
    • Normally a USB stick (USB Memory ID).
    • For a trial license, a Computer ID or Processor SN ID. The Processor SN ID is a V30 novelty and only available for certain laptops. It is used if the computer ID changes during a BIOS or Windows® update.
    • For a network license, the term Network ID.
The Licence register manages everything related to your license.
  • To apply for a license, e.g. a trial or student license based on the computer ID, you can use the @ symbol to send an e-mail with the licensing request. Alternatively, a PDF or fax form can be exported using the Print button.
  • Download from Internet all registered codes
    As soon as you have received your authorization code, you can download the new code using the Download button.
    The 2 links below give you access to help videos to download your codes:
  • Browse your computer for a code file - Browse...
    This function is normally only required in conjunction with our support team.
  • Enter or check your code manually - Check code
    An advanced function that is normally only required for troubleshooting and is used by support team member.
  • For demo licence only: Utility to unprotect the "Out-Of-Date" checking.
    This option is also only provided in conjunction with our support for exceptional cases.

Cadwork config

In this register, general settings such as language, User type, Font Size and the Alert beep used in cadwork can be set.

General cadwork configurations

  • Language:
    The language of the cadwork installation can be changed here.

Please note that different catalog files may be downloaded and installed if the language is changed and the LiveUpdate is performed later!

  • Define User type...:
    As a cadwork client for wood/metal construction or joinery/cabinetry, the option Timber user should be selected in all cases.
    As an engineer in the field of civil engineering or road construction, select the user option General user (Engineer). This option was developed ONLY for the Swiss standard SIA.
    If in doubt, please contact the support at the branch responsible for you.
  • Font size...:
    The font size used in the menus can be set here. You should only make changes here if there are problems on certain screen sizes with some resolutions.
  • Select a beep for cadwork alerts...:
    You can define any beep tone that sounds, for example, when incorrect clicks are made. Setting the No beep option mutes cadwork.


This register is used to centrally control how many .3db (or 2db, .bak, etc.) backup files are kept when saving and where they are written to.

Backup settings

  • Number of copies
    The number of .*db files set here is kept from your original file when backing up. The oldest file is overwritten when the set number is reached. *db files are given a sequential number.
  • Interval time between file-saving
    A cadwork file is saved after the minutes of active work set here. You can use the Auto save with not query option to control whether you have to confirm or reject the save process or whether it is saved without the option to intervene.
    In the example above, you are asked every 15 minutes in cadwork whether you want to save. A maximum of 3 backup copies are kept, so you can restore data for a maximum of 3 x 15 minutes, whereby the latest .*db file corresponds to the same status as the last original save.
  • Backups folder
    Here you can define whether all backups should be saved in the same place as the original cadwork file - In the current sub-folder (".\BACKUPS\") - or in a user-defined folder, e.g. on the network - In the following fixed folder.

We strongly recommend that you select In the following fixed folder and that this folder is located on a different physical data carrier to the original file to prevent data loss in the event of a hardware/hard disk failure, for example.

  • Daily subfolder
    This option places the respective backups of a project in an additional, dated subfolder for each day on which work is carried out in the file. These subfolders are not deleted automatically, so you receive a dated archive of the respective editing statuses.

Default printer

Definitions for printers used in 2D

The default printers can be selected here. These are the printers that are preselected in 2d.

This setting does not correspond to the definition of a standard printer in Microsoft Windows and also has no influence on the -> File PDF function in cadwork.

The Install PDF driver and Extra printing configuration...options should only be used in the event of printing problems in consultation with our support team.


This section contains a number of functions that should only be carried out in consultation with our support team.

This menu item has been hidden for some customer numbers (e.g. 04.*****.*). To make it visible again, you must click with R in the white area of the left menu +Options.

Please do not use these functions without prior consulting our support team.

  • Install dongle
    This type of licensing is virtually no longer in use and the option is not normally required.
  • Network licence
    If you have purchased a network license, it can be installed and managed here. The installation is password-protected and can be carried out with our support.
  • Update - and Remove registry:
    It may be necessary to update or delete the cadwork entries in the Windows registry. This function should also only be carried out after consultation with our support team.

Associated *.extensions

Here you can map non-cadwork files that cadwork can open or import with cadwork, so that they are opened with the relevant cadwork module when double-clicked.
By default, you should only activate the file extensions for DXF/DWG files. Other more specialized standard programs are normally already installed in Windows for the other file types.

For dxf and dwg files, for example, you can specify that they are opened with the cadwork DWG-Viewer by default.

Live Update

cadwork can be updated in the Live Update register. The cwsetup already known from the installation is started here to carry out or configure updates.

Administrative rights are required for all options, as entries in the Windows registry may be changed.

Update your cadwork version from the server

Live Update programs

The Live Update is started. The cwsetup checks whether newer versions are available and installs them. Depending on the settings, this can be checked from the cadwork server or only from an update folder available in your own network (offline installation). Catalogs and user profiles are also updated in this step, if necessary. No additional click on Update standard catalogs is necessary afterwards.

Update standard catalogs

The cwsetup is also started here, but it only checks for new catalogs or user profile data, which are then installed if available.

Settings for Live Updates...

The configuration for the Live Update option (see above) can be changed in this area. The cwsetup program is also opened here.


On the first settings page, it is possible to modify the update path as described in the Directories register.
Additionally, it is possible to enable/disable Offline installation or simply enable Update-Server without installation of the latest modules from the internet (which excludes offline installation).
If your company uses a proxy server, this can also be entered here so that the data download during the update works without problems.

Advanced installation settings for the Live Update

Notification settings

The second page, Notification settings, offers the option of configuring a schedule for the update using Windows task planner. Here you can control when and at what interval this should be carried out.
You can also decide whether updates should be downloaded and installed automatically or only downloaded.
In the latter case, you can start the installation manually after downloading.

If users are not administrators on their computer, the Automatically download and install updates option is mandatory. The second option would send a notification to the administrator account that will not be logged in. As a result, the update will never reach the end of the process.

Automated live updates using Windows Task planner

Logon Credentials

The third page only appears if you have scheduled an automatic update on page 2, as an authorized user must be entered in the Windows task planner to execute the created task.
If the logged-in user has these rights, please click Run task as current user. Otherwise, enter a user with the appropriate administrative authorization. This user is only used for the execution of this Windows task

The executing user must have administrative rights for the Live Updates.