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3.5 Command line arguments for cwsetup

Command-line arguments for cwsetup

  • /?
    Show possible options
  • /silent
    The installer window is not displayed. Everything happens in the background.
  • /offline
    Forces installation from the Update folder (no online verification or download).
  • updateexe=<Directory-EXE>
    Version(s) to be updated. Versions are separated by `|`.
    Example `EXE_30|EXE_29` will update versions 30 and 29.
  • /unattended
    Enables unattended installation without unattended.ini, see necessary arguments below:
    • eula=accept
      Accept end-user license agreement
    • clientnumber=<Number>
      Below client number examples to be adapted to match your own.
      No. format for a client/company = 04.1234.0
      No. format for a school = 04.S123.0
      No. format for a professor = 04.P.12345
      No. format for a student = 04.D.12345 or 04.E.12345
    • language=<Language>
      Language of installation and consequently of catalogs and template files. Possible languages are :
    • targetpath=<UNC_Path>
      Program folder path.
      Example: targetpath="C:\Program Files\cadwork.dir"
    • updatepath=<UNC_Path>
      Path to update download folder.
      Example: updatepath="C:\Users\Public\Documents\cadwork\update"
    • catalogpath=<UNC_Path>
      Path to user-specific catalog folder.
      Example: catalogpath="C:\Users\Public\Documents\cadwork\"
    • catalogs=<ALL|NONE>
      Installing catalogs and userprofiles
      ALL = install all
      NONE = install nothing
    • userprofilpath=<UNC_Path>
      Path to userprofil folder (template files etc.)
      Example: userprofilpath="C:\Us\ers\Public\Documents\cadwork\userprofil_30"
    • Wood=TRUE
      TRUE = Wood construction
      FALSE = Engineer / Civil (Switzerland only)
  • /update
    Goes directly to the update without leaving the choice of version.
  • /settings
    Opens the settings.
  • /uninstall
    Starts the uninstall
  • /removeobsolete=FALSE
    False = Older versions are retained (default) True = Latest version and previous version remain. All other versions are deleted.
    Example of installing version 30 SP2024 with cwsetup.exe V30 SP2024 :
    V30 SP2024 and V29 remain.
    V28 and earlier versions are uninstalled.

Here are two examples:

  • cwsetup.exe /silent /unattended clientnumber=04.1234.0 language=FRENCH
    Starts unattended, background installation with client number 04.1234.0 and in French.
  • cwsetup.exe /silent /update
    Starts the update in the background