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4.37 Stretch

Stretch the element with the mouse L
Activate the element → click with L on the green handle, hold the pressure and stretch in the desired direction

Key 7 → Stretch
When a point is active, the 7 key stretches the element. For a volume element, either the height, width or length is changed.

Example: surface
Activate the point → key 7 → move the point

The 7 + X/Y/Z key stretches the element in X/Y/Z direction.

Set the volume
Activate the point → key 7 → move the point

L Length, H according to height, B according to width, F Adjustment to surface

Stretch the line
A 2D line is marked with "line". A 3D line is marked with Line3d.

A 2D line can only be stretched in the plane. A 3D line can be stretched in the XYZ direction.

An active 2D line can be converted into a 3D line:

A 3D line can also be converted back to a 2D line.

Stretch Mesh
Activate the point → key 7 → move the point