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6.1.4 Quantity Protocol from model 1

Tutorial video


1. open IFC model with Lexcoad

2. import of the positions in Lexocad (Quantity Protocole)
1. export positions from construction admin software
2. add column 1 "color" (colors can be set, otherwise one will be assigned automatically. One color per position.)
3. save as CSV and import in the dialog "Quantity Protocole".

(Unit of measure can be adjusted in the LV dialog)
Attention: It is only possible to import colors from 1-499 (incl. decimal number).

3. measuring
- FF (Create Surface (Activate Surface))
- F (Draw surface)
- L (Draw line. Line thickness can be set in the modification area)
- LL (Create line (activate facet))
- L & F (create line outline on surface)
- C, D (cut through)
- 6 (Copy)
- 7 (stretch)
- explode 

- Give the element the position color and the quantity will be displayed in the LV dialog afterwards
(volume = m3, area = m2, line = m)

- Add category (Window --> Outlines --> Open category and define category. Add to element via Modify)

- Check duplicate elements (bottom right of LV dialog)

- GUID: The GUID can be activated, so every single element is displayed. Beside the GUID there is an ID No. which can be used as a sequence number.

- Catalog UU - Save element combinations for further dimensioning (via drag & drop)

4. export
Export of quantities to construction admin software
1. export CSV

Export to BIMteam and Sharelink
1. create pset

2. activate BIMteam export in "Quantity Protocole"
3. export BIMteam
4. load Bte on BIMteam and create sharelink

Export IFC
1. create pset
2. export IFC

Attached files