> Wireframe
> Wireframe
1 - General
1.1 - Start lexocad with windows
1.1.1 - Install Lexocad
1.1.2 - Activate weblogin
1.2 - Screen after start
1.3 - User Type
1.4 - Mouse handling
1.5 - Function buttons F1-F12
1.6 - Keypad options
1.10 - BIM
1.11 - IFC struktur + Layer
1.12 - Visibility
1.30 - Wood user
2 - GUI
2.1 - Menu windows
2.1.2 - Midpoint - picking
2.1.3 - pdf-files for crash-log
2.2 - Toolbar
2.4 - Statusbar
2.4.1 - Multiview
2.5 - View Menu (3d / Top, V,P)
2.6 - GUI Menu right
2.6.1 - Add
2.6.2 - Catalog - User Catalog
2.6.3 - Modifying
2.6.4 - Auxillairy lines
2.7 - Modification toolbar
2.8 - GUI Menu left
2.9 - Scene bar
2.10 - Comment bar
2.11 - Base plate & side dimensions
2.12 - Mod GR
2.14 - Function "One"
3 - Basic elements
3.1 - IFC structure
3.2 - Layer
3.4 - Zeropoint
3.4.1 - Georeferencing 1 pt angle
3.4.2 - Gereferencing 2 pt
3.5 - component
3.5.20 - Component manager
3.5.21 - 3D component overview...
3.15 - Image
3.30 - Cross section
3.31 - Elevation
3.33 - Scene
3.34 - Layout
3.50 - Kataloge
3.50.1 - Allgemein
3.50.2 - Allgemein
3.50.8 - Bauunternehmer 1
4 - Basic functions
4.1 - Basic functions
4.1.1 - Standard view
4.1.2 - Clipping Box
4.1.3 - Clipping Plane
4.1.4 - Wireframe
4.1.5 - Lines
4.1.6 - Nurbs
4.1.7 - Add extrusion line / Extrusion along line
4.1.8 - Rotation element
4.1.9 - View all
4.1.10 - Delete
4.1.11 - Copy
4.1.12 - Move
4.1.13 - Rotate
4.1.14 - Group element
4.1.15 - All visible / hide active element / keep active elements
4.1.16 - Cut (mutually (boolean))
4.1.17 - Cut through
4.1.18 - Switching the zero rotation
4.1.19 - Search
4.1.20 - Measure
4.1.21 - Rotate cursor
4.1.22 - Camera angle / first person view
4.1.23 - Camera animation
4.1.24 - Background image
4.1.25 - Lighting controls
4.1.26 - Shadow dialog
4.1.27 - Undo / Redo
4.2 - Activate
4.3 - Print
4.35 - Import
4.36 - Export
4.37 - Stretch
4.38 - Projizieren
5 - Modules
5.1 - IFC
5.1.1 - IFC clean-up for quantity takeoff
5.1.2 - IFC color
5.1.4 - IFC export
5.1.5 - IFC export extrusions as BREP
5.2 - PDF
5.2.1 - PDF durchschneiden
5.2.2 - PDF auf Terrain legen
5.3 - Point Cloud OBJ Geotiff
5.9 - lme / lcc
5.9.1 - SIA Limiten
5.9.2 - Measure type
5.9.3 - LU (Lexocad Units)
5.9.4 - eCCC
5.9.6 - LU Visible
5.14 - 2dr -> lexocad
5.15 - 3D Reinforcement
5.16 - 3d Kanalisation
5.17 - Ausmass Protokoll
5.30 - ----------------
5.32 - Metal construction
5.62 - SUVA
5.70 - export BIMteam
5.72 - Swisstopo Häuser entfernen
5.81 - LV Ausmassprotokoll Filter Suche
5.84 - Qualitätsprüfung vor Mengenermittlung
5.86 - Tasten und Maus Aktivitäten
5.88 - LV Import in Lexocad LME Übersicht
5.89 - Excel Import in Baubit Pro
5.90 - DWG / DXF import and export
5.92 - copy paste : properties
5.93 - Mesh Linear messen
5.94 -
5.98 - Aushub Werkleitung einfach modellieren
5.99 - wichtige Tastenabkürzungen
6 - Tutorials
6.1 - Building contractor
6.1.1 - Main functions Overview
6.1.2 - Modeling from PDF 1
6.1.3 - Modeling from PDF 2
6.1.4 - Quantity Protocol from model 1
6.1.5 - Quantity Protocol from model 2
6.1.7 - Quantity take-off overview
6.1.8 - Quantity check (LME & LBK)
6.1.10 - Staging elements
6.1.11 - 4D Construction Process Basis
6.1.12 - Determination of the duration of stage
6.1.13 - building site installation
6.1.14 - Print site installation as PDF
6.1.17 - BIMteam Share Link
4.1.4 Wireframe
The Wireframe function is located in the toolbar:
Activate element --> Click on wireframe function
The wireframe icon is red as long as a wireframe exists among the existing elements.
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