5.9.3 LU (Lexocad Units)
LU allows to make some very precise measurements on the different elements of the model. It can be for example the vertical faces of a wall, the surface of the top of a slab, or even surfaces neither vertical nor horizontal, ...
In this table you will find different units classified by categories
- m3
- m2
- m
- formulas with the different LU
- Swiss SIA standard (m2)
How to use LUs ?
In the LME window, for each element to be measured, simply indicate in the LU box the number corresponding to what is to be measured and assign a name to the corresponding Property. It is possible to measure several values for the same element by adding a new property (right button (M) on the "Property" box)
In the example below, the following values are measured for the slab:
LU n° 902 (top surface according to SIA standard)
LU n° 109 (all vertical surfaces)
LU n° 2 (net volume)
LU n°303 (gross surface of the top)